If you acted in the first way, then just remove the selection from the items of added icons.Two ways are presented above how to return the icons for the desktop to Wing 10. Therefore, if you are not very good at computers, then configure the classic icons on the desktop using the personalization section. It is worth understanding that the last way – editing the registry – seems difficult for an ordinary user. And with it other icons that were present in the early versions of the OS. As a result, the “My Computer” icon appears on the Windows 10 desktop. If there is no parameter, then it must be created (PCM click in the free area of the right window block and selection of the corresponding item). There you should select a column with a name Hideicons ( Dword). Open for a start Hkey_ Current_ USER, find subsection Microsoft, and then follow: “ Windows – Currentversion – Explorer. Copy to the text line regedit and confirm the input. Now open the registry editor via “Win + R”. It is also worth mentioning that this option will be fully implemented only if you have missed the previous instruction or returned the changed parameters to the original position. It is recommended to run to it only by experienced users, since editing the registry can lead to the failure of some system components. There is another option how to make a shortcut in Wing 10 “My Computer” on the desktop. After all, the necessary shortcuts will be located on the desktop, they will not have to be searched in the taskbar or the “Start” menu. However, working with a computer will be simplified. Especially it will appeal to fans of the lower OS versions. This feature allows you to bring Windows 10 to a more classic look.